the two minute rule

The Two-Minute Rule

The Two-Minute Rule

Dear H & A,


Time seems to be a treasure that slips away before we even know it. Between work, taking care of you two, and the countless other responsibilities that come my way, I’ve often found myself wondering if there’s a way to make the most of every moment.


That’s when I stumbled upon a simple yet effective strategy: The Two-Minute Rule.


Here’s the essence of it: If something takes less than two minutes, do it immediately. This might sound overly simplistic, but the power of this rule lies in its immediate execution. Responding to an email, picking up toys, watering the plants, or even jotting down a quick note – if it’s a task that takes a mere two minutes or less, get it done right away.


This hack does two things:

  1. Prevents Procrastination: By tackling small tasks immediately, you prevent them from accumulating and becoming daunting.
  2. Frees Up Mental Space: Each unchecked task, no matter how minor, occupies mental space. By clearing them swiftly, you free up cognitive resources to focus on more significant challenges.

Over the years, this strategy has helped me maintain a semblance of order amidst chaos. It’s an approach that assists in juggling the demands of work, your needs, and the self-care routines that are essential for our health.

Life is a continuous learning process, and while not every strategy will resonate with everyone, I share this in the hope that you might find value in it someday. And remember, it’s not just about saving time but making time for what truly matters.


With all my love and hopes for efficient days ahead,


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